
Maintaining Your Saskatchewan Corporate Records

Maintaining your Saskatchewan corporate records. Your Saskatchewan corporation must keep certain corporate records at its registered office (or at some other location in Canada, as set out by the directors).

On request, a corporation’s shareholders and creditors can access the following records:

  • articles of amendment, including amended articles of incorporation or restated
  • articles of incorporation
  • by-laws and their amendments
  • any unanimous shareholder agreement
  • minutes of meetings and shareholder resolutions
  • notices that have been filed, meaning:
  • Initial Registered Office Address and First Board of Directors
  • Change of Registered Office Address
  • Changes Regarding Directors
  • a share register showing the names and addresses of all shareholders, and details of shares held a securities register showing the names and addresses of those who are or have been a security holder; the number of securities held by each security holder; and, the date and particulars of the issue as well as the transfer of each security.

A corporation’s shareholders and creditors cannot, however, access the following records:

  • minutes of meetings of the directors
  • resolutions of the directors and minutes of committees
  • accounting records.

Saskatchewan corporate Minute Books | Order Online Now your New Personalized Saskatchewan Company Minute Book

Fast & Easy Saskatchewan corporate Minute Books. Saskatchewan corporate Minute Books Made Easy. Every Saskatchewan corporation is required by law to prepare and keep up-to-date its corporate records at its registered office (or at some other location in Canada, as set out by the directors). Failure to comply with this obligation can lead to fines of $25,000, and the officers and directors of the corporation may be personally liable.

Ecompanies Canada offers fast & easy personalized Saskatchewan minute books in just 1 hour for only $49. Our Saskatchewan corporate minute books contain all the documents your new corporation needs to be up to date and compliant with the Saskatchewan business corporation act.

  • Fast & Easy to Use. No More Bulky Binders.
  • Saves time and money. No More Trips to Your Lawyer’s or Account’s Office.
  • Order online and receive your corporation book directly in your email account.
  • It’s economic. Not more attorney or accountants high fees for your company minute book. Order online now for only $49.

What is Included?

Our Saskatchewan corporate minute books include the following documents:

  • Saskatchewan Organizational Resolutions
  • Saskatchewan Register of Directors
  • The resignation of Director Form
  • Appointment of Corporate Officers
  • The resignation of Officer Form
  • Subscription of Shares
  • Share Certificate
  • Register of Shareholders
  • Consent and waiver for allotment of shares
  • Directors’ resolutions approving the allotment of shares
  • Consent and waiver for transfer of shares.
  • Shares Transfer Form
  • Directors’ Resolutions Approving Transfer of Shares
  • Bylaws
  • Notice of Organizational Meeting of Incorporators and Directors
  • Waiver of Notice of Meeting of Incorporators and Directors
  • Minutes of Organizational Meeting of Board of Directors
  • Waiver of Notice First Meeting of Shareholders
  • Minutes First Meeting of Shareholders
  • Notice to Directors of Regular Board Meeting
  • Minutes Shareholders Annual Meeting
  • Minutes Regular Board Meeting

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